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Illustrate your articles

Enhance your words by adding rich content. This includes images, videos, audio content (music, podcasts), as well as maps and other kinds of files. Your readers are like you: they like articles that contain a little something extra, a variety of formats, a nice image.

Rich content adds value to your articles

People like good content, and they come back for more! A photo, an illustration, video or audio can add interest to an article, or give it a whole new dimension. Your analysis of an event will be even more powerful if you include a video of the event itself. A product review is more effective when accompanied by pictures of the product. You can talk about a new place you've discovered, but it's even more useful to illustrate your article with a map. You get the idea!

Visuals attract the eye and pique the interest of readers

Good visuals are irresistible! Think of how you use the web yourself. Aren't you attracted to images? Be sure to place them in the appropriate place. Don't put them in the middle of a paragraph, for example, because that disrupts the flow. Also, consider resizing visuals, videos and other content so that they look good in the layout of your site.

Unless rich media content is the focus of your article, it should not overpower the text. It's up to you to find the right balance.

Note that rich content is also ranked by search engines, and can increase the ranking you would get based on just the text on your site.