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Wer nutzt Overblog ?


Just want to start blogging? Then do it!

Do you have something you want to share? Moments of your life, the beauty that surrounds you, your moods? Family photos or pictures of your trip? Things you've learned and your thoughts about them? Your adventures — or misadventures? You can share all of these things on OverBlog.

Who uses OverBlog? Everybody! People who love to travel, moms with wisdom to share and teens who are maybe not so wise, talkative types and people who prefer to express themselves through photos, social butterflies, contest junkies, Sunday bloggers... From little kids to 90-somethings. They're all special, they have their own, unique universe, and they have things to share. And, by blogging, they all add a little flavor to our world. I want to blog!

On OverBlog, you can:

  • Keep an online diary.
  • Share your news with friends and family.
  • Talk about the trips you take.
  • Publish stories.
  • Remain anonymous if you like.
  • Share the treasures you come across.
  • Meet and exchange with new people.

Things you'll like about OverBlog...

  • It's easy to use.
  • There are themes designed for journals.
  • There are many possible formats and layouts.

There are a thousand reasons to create a blog. What's yours?
Create my blog.