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What does Social Hub do?

Social Hub lets you select content you publish on social networks to display on your blog.

Why would I want to do that?

To give your blog its rightful place as the focal point of your online presence. With Social Hub, you can grab your posts, updates, tweets, videos — essentially everything you publish on the web — and display this content on your blog.

Social Hub is also useful because when you gather all of your social activity into your blog, you can save it! All of your Facebook or Twitter content, for example, which usually disappears into the ether, is archived on your blog, and yours to keep. It's an excellent way to keep track of the treasures you find and the thoughts you share on sites other than your blog.

Why should I share my social networks on my blog?

You can choose to share all or some of your social content on your blog. You can also choose not to do so at all.

For some bloggers, keeping the platforms separate is important. For many others, this is detrimental to their online reputation. We've made sure that you aren't forced to choose one or the other. Those who want to can promote their external content on their blogs. True to our vision for the web, we give you the choice, but you make the decision.

With Social Hub, your blog can finally be a place where you can see all of your published content at a glance, no matter what the format.